

本週五滴答克的小編又來分享讓人流連忘返的設計了,今天發現粉絲團又多了許多朋友,剛好趕上今天的設計品分享~大家一起看看這個沙發吧!簡直像冬天裡的朝陽,光看就暖呼呼到不行。我想.....若是有了這個沙發,誰還會像要睡在床上啊!!(不是因為客廳有電視哦 ^^)

這組沙發的設計理念就是想要大家被暖暖如“圍巾”般材質的布料沙發給包圍,讓家人朋友暖暖的靠在一起,連地毯都一併設計了,真是今年冬天最溫暖的設計~想集資買這個沙發嗎?還不行!!!它目前正在巴黎的 Maison&Objet 展覽 (1/18~1/22)如果碰到買主我相信很快的就會上市了!這麼好的設計怎麼會有人可以拒絕呢? 若是價格低於10萬我想我會認真考慮把基金股票出一出......


Mangas Space by Patricia Urquiola for Gandia Blasco

Mangas Space by Patricia Urquiola for Gandia Blasco in home furnishings  Category

A few years ago, Spanish designer Patricia Urquiola designed a collection of rugs for Gandia Blasco called Mangas that were various patterns patchworked together into different shapes. Now she’s expanded on the collection with Mangas Space, a series of modular seating pieces and rugs that can be mixed up in a multitude of arrangements.

Mangas Space by Patricia Urquiola for Gandia Blasco in home furnishings  Category

Much like the rugs, they look like large knitted sweaters in a menagerie of patterns, textures, and colors that make you want to curl up and get cozy.

Mangas Space by Patricia Urquiola for Gandia Blasco in home furnishings  Category

The collection features seating modules, square and rectangular poufs, large and small rectangular rugs, and square rugs.

Mangas Space by Patricia Urquiola for Gandia Blasco in home furnishings  Category

The collection is being presented at Maison&Objet in Paris from January 18th – 22nd, 2013.

Mangas Space by Patricia Urquiola for Gandia Blasco in home furnishings  Category

Mangas Space by Patricia Urquiola for Gandia Blasco in home furnishings  Category

Mangas Space by Patricia Urquiola for Gandia Blasco in home furnishings  Category

Mangas Space by Patricia Urquiola for Gandia Blasco in home furnishings  Category

Mangas Space by Patricia Urquiola for Gandia Blasco in home furnishings  Category

Mangas Space by Patricia Urquiola for Gandia Blasco in home furnishings  Category

Mangas Space by Patricia Urquiola for Gandia Blasco in home furnishings  Category

Mangas Space by Patricia Urquiola for Gandia Blasco in home furnishings  Category

Mangas Space by Patricia Urquiola for Gandia Blasco in home furnishings  Category

Mangas Space by Patricia Urquiola for Gandia Blasco in home furnishings  Category

Mangas Space by Patricia Urquiola for Gandia Blasco in home furnishings  Category

Mangas Space by Patricia Urquiola for Gandia Blasco in home furnishings  Category

Mangas Space by Patricia Urquiola for Gandia Blasco in home furnishings  Category

Mangas Space by Patricia Urquiola for Gandia Blasco in home furnishings  Category

Mangas Space by Patricia Urquiola for Gandia Blasco in home furnishings  Category

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