
這個由巴塞隆納設計公司 Cadaval & Solà-Morales 所設計的渡假“小屋” 不是普通的小屋。坐落在Tepoztlan, 墨西哥大城裡面的 Tepoztlan Lounge 是我這輩子見過最奢華的 lounge。簡潔的設計和完全穿透式的風格,讓室內的特殊空間設計和戶外的自然景觀+蔚藍的蛋形泳池一覽無遺,互相輝映。

中間那顆穿越中庭的大樹,真的是代表之作,留下與大自然共生不但美麗而且環保的永續觀念。順著這些樹根,室內變成半室外的空間,中間的吊床也可以綁在樹根上,完全跟戶外的悠閒一模一樣卻不怕風吹雨打。室內燈光亮起來的那個感覺,真的是畫龍點睛,讓簡潔的極簡lounge 風格又添加了闔家旅行中不能缺少的溫馨和暖意。


Mexican Getaway: Tepoztlan Lounge by Cadaval & Solà-Morales

Mexican Getaway: Tepoztlan Lounge by Cadaval & Solà Morales in architecture  Category

Designed by the Barcelona-based Cadaval & Solà-Morales as the first of many bungalows in Tepoztlan, Mexico, the Tepoztlan Lounge is most impressive and where I’d like to call home (please?). Located south of Mexico City in a place that’s known for attracting the creative types, the curvy, triangular-shaped guesthouse will be part of a larger series in which the spaces can be rented for years, months, or even days.

 Mexican Getaway: Tepoztlan Lounge by Cadaval & Solà Morales in architecture  Category

The concrete structure creates three separate spaces with an open central area for people to gather or relax in the hammocks. Each space is built for a specific use: the first has the kitchenette and two bathrooms, the second area is a kids’ play area or reading space, and lastly is the larger communal area for lounging and TV watching.

Mexican Getaway: Tepoztlan Lounge by Cadaval & Solà Morales in architecture  Category

Each concaved portion of the exterior connects the interior to some part of the lush landscape. Two are adjoined by patios, while the other curves along the swimming pool out front.

Mexican Getaway: Tepoztlan Lounge by Cadaval & Solà Morales in architecture  Category

Mexican Getaway: Tepoztlan Lounge by Cadaval & Solà Morales in architecture  Category

Mexican Getaway: Tepoztlan Lounge by Cadaval & Solà Morales in architecture  Category

Mexican Getaway: Tepoztlan Lounge by Cadaval & Solà Morales in architecture  Category

Mexican Getaway: Tepoztlan Lounge by Cadaval & Solà Morales in architecture  Category

I love how these old trees are built into the design.

Mexican Getaway: Tepoztlan Lounge by Cadaval & Solà Morales in architecture  Category

Mexican Getaway: Tepoztlan Lounge by Cadaval & Solà Morales in architecture  Category

Mexican Getaway: Tepoztlan Lounge by Cadaval & Solà Morales in architecture  Category

Mexican Getaway: Tepoztlan Lounge by Cadaval & Solà Morales in architecture  Category

Mexican Getaway: Tepoztlan Lounge by Cadaval & Solà Morales in architecture  Category

Mexican Getaway: Tepoztlan Lounge by Cadaval & Solà Morales in architecture  Category

Mexican Getaway: Tepoztlan Lounge by Cadaval & Solà Morales in architecture  Category

Mexican Getaway: Tepoztlan Lounge by Cadaval & Solà Morales in architecture  Category

Mexican Getaway: Tepoztlan Lounge by Cadaval & Solà Morales in architecture  Category

Mexican Getaway: Tepoztlan Lounge by Cadaval & Solà Morales in architecture  Category

Mexican Getaway: Tepoztlan Lounge by Cadaval & Solà Morales in architecture  Category

Photos by Sandra Pereznieto and Diego Berruecos.

Read more at Design Milk


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