
你以為這款搖椅是一個搞笑作品嗎?看來你誤會了,這個可是史上第一個環保搖椅可以用搖動來產生電力,透過搖一搖的動作,不但能供應你的iPad電源,就算是要放音樂,它在椅子靠頭的部分也神秘的設計了白色的喇叭,讓你小小聲就可以聽到iPad的音樂而不浪費電。它扶手上方連iPad專屬的docking 都有,若是其他廠牌,可就沒那麼方便使用了...

不過,這可是世界上唯一一台iPad搖椅充電器呢! (還是應該叫他充電器搖椅呢...................) 發明世界真的是很奧妙呀!

iRock: The World’s First Power-Generating iPad Rocking Chair

iRock: The Worlds First Power Generating iPad Rocking Chair in technology home furnishings  Category

This chair makes me want to sing “I wanna rock right now” really loudly (from Rob Base’s song “It Takes Two“) and I have the Zurich-based Micasa Lab to thank for that. They developed the iRock, a traditional looking rocking chair with the ability to charge your iPad (or iPhone) just by simply rocking back and forth.

 iRock: The Worlds First Power Generating iPad Rocking Chair in technology home furnishings  Category

The chair has a dock that your iPad sits in so you can conveniently control the music you’re rocking out to, along with built-in speakers.

iRock: The Worlds First Power Generating iPad Rocking Chair in technology home furnishings  Category

The design, powered by a generator that converts the movement into power, makes it possible to listen and charge your Apple devices at the same time.

iRock: The Worlds First Power Generating iPad Rocking Chair in technology home furnishings  Category

iRock: The Worlds First Power Generating iPad Rocking Chair in technology home furnishings  Category

iRock: The Worlds First Power Generating iPad Rocking Chair in technology home furnishings  Category


iRock: The Worlds First Power Generating iPad Rocking Chair in technology home furnishings  Category

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