
這間非常夢幻奢華卻是用極簡風格佈置裝飾的房子位於巴西的聖保羅, 設計師 Isay Weinfeld 為一對年輕夫妻和他們的孩子設計了這個超級夢幻的房子,坐落在山林流水之間。我最喜歡的是他的客廳,寬敞舒適有這圍繞式的沙發和圖書館式的書櫃,更增添了溫馨的感覺,好像永遠都不會想離開家了..............


Yucatan House in Brazil by Isay Weinfeld

Yucatan House in Brazil by Isay Weinfeld in architecture  Category

I think this house tops my list of dream houses. Called the Yucatan house, it’s located in São Paulo, Brazil, and was designed by Isay Weinfeld for a young couple and their children.

Yucatan House in Brazil by Isay Weinfeld in architecture  Category

Yucatan House in Brazil by Isay Weinfeld in architecture  Category

The home is made up of seven box-like structures — all different sizes and all made of different finishes — and were distributed asymmetrically on the land. A wall covered in aluminum plaques painted black extend from the entrance.

Yucatan House in Brazil by Isay Weinfeld in architecture  Category

A long, natural pool extends out from the dining room and features a system to use, reuse and treat water that combines water plants and various fish.

Yucatan House in Brazil by Isay Weinfeld in architecture  Category

I’ve always wanted a floating dining room…

Yucatan House in Brazil by Isay Weinfeld in architecture  Category

This is the room of my dreams.

Yucatan House in Brazil by Isay Weinfeld in architecture  Category

The homeowners are avid contemporary art collectors, so they wanted a spacious, bright and informal atmosphere home where they could display their pieces and yet still feel comfortable.

Yucatan House in Brazil by Isay Weinfeld in architecture  Category

There are some really beautiful art displays within the home.

Yucatan House in Brazil by Isay Weinfeld in architecture  Category

Photos by FG+SG.

Read more at Design Milk


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